UNESCO MAB Biosphere Reserves Bilderauswahl

International Network of the UNESCO’s Biosphere Reserves

Designated as Biosphere Reserve under UNESCO’s international „Man and Biosphere“ (MAB) programme, the Wienerwald became a model region for promoting and developing sustainability. Ecological balance, economic security and social equity are the three pillars of the Biosphärenpark Wienerwald. Biosphere reserves are areas of terrestrial and coastal/marine ecosystems or a combination thereof, which are internationally recognized within the framework of UNESCO's programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB), in accordance with the present Statutory Framework. States should encourage the constitution and co-operative operation of regional and/or thematic subnetworks of biosphere reserves, and promote development of information exchanges, including electronic information, within the framework of these subnetworks. Man and the Biosphere (MAB), in accordance with the present Statutory Framework

In combining the three functions below, biosphere reserves should strive to be sites of excellence to explore and demonstrate approaches to conservation and sustainable development on a regional scale:

  • conservation - contribute to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic variation

  • development - foster economic and human development which is socio-culturally and ecologically sustainable

  • logistic support - support for demonstration projects, environmental education and training, research and monitoring related to local, regional, national and global issues of conservation and sustainable development.

For more information about the UNESCO and its international network please click here: UNESCO

Ernennungsurkunde Biosphärenpark Wienerwald


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Überarbeitung der Kriterien für österreichische Biosphärenparks - seit 1. Jänner 2016 gültig
