Österreichische Bundesforste, Forst- und Landwirtschaftsbetrieb der Stadt Wien
Bundesforschungs- und Ausbildungszentrum für Wald, Naturgefahren und Landschaft (BFW)
A number of questions were explored in connection with the project: e.g. which properties are linked with which soil types, what are the changes in availability of water to plants, and how good is the nutrient supply in various locations?
55 UNESCO - Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme - Biosphere reserve periodic review – 2015 This and several other data gained in the course of conducting the soil monitoring project, contains important information for conservation and forest management. The soil data will make it possible to draw inferences regarding the potential natural vegetation. The surveys already under way in the core zones will be enhanced by data from the commercial forests managed by the Austrian Federal Forestry Authority (ÖBf AG) thus ensuring a good general overview of the Wienerwald BR.
In terms of methodology, the project is based on the existing sampling network of core Zone baseline monitoring. At some extant sampling points, the soil was analysed chemically both in situ and in the laboratory, in order to determine characteristics and composition. This extensive pioneering work in the Wienerwald BR provides the foundation for long-term monitoring of soils.