KFFÖ, BOKU (Zoologie und ILEN), Siemens AG, Wittmann GesmbH, HBLA Biedermannsdorf, AHS Perchtodsdorf, AHS Purkersdorf, VS Gaaden, VS Perchtoldsdorf, VS Sittendorf
The bat project entitled ’Echoortung – Bildungsecho’ (echo location – educational echo) was part of an initiative entitled ‘generation innovation’, in other words, the promotion of Young talent, taken by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, and produced a positive outcome after a duration of 1.5 years. More than 400 pupils from six different schools in the Wienerwald BR got involved under the motto ’Quartiere suchen, Quartiere schaffen’ (find roosts, create roosts) with regard to bat conservation and bat research. They carried out bat surveys in their own communities and took part in bat excursions accompanied by their parents or siblings. While the younger children constructed replacement bat roosts in various sizes from wooden boards, the older ones were given the opportunity to generate Distribution maps with the aid of GIS (Geographical Information System) or they could opt to learn about the intricacies of ultrasound under the guidance of specialists in this field. The budding researchers were supported in their endeavours by the Institute for Landscape Development, Recreational and Conservation Planning (Institut für Landschaftsentwicklung, Erholungs- und Naturschutzplanung) and by the Institute ofZoology of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien).
In the course of the project, a workshop on constructing replacement roosts took place which was open to all interested parties. The participants received first-hand information from experts employed by the KFFÖ (Co-ordination Centre for Bat Conservation and Research in Austria) regarding the species occurring in the Wienerwald and also on opportunities to get personally involved in active bat conservation.