Obst- und Weinbauschule Krems
Biosphärenpark Wienerwald
The BPWW Management GmbH runs at least two drystone walling courses every year. Drystone walling, i.e. the building of walls in which stones are laid and wedged without the use of cement, is a craft that has existed for hundreds of years. Drystone walls last for an extremely long time (sometimes several hundred years) and provide habitats and sanctuaries for numerous animal species. The three-day hands-on training courses are always held on-site at a vintner’s estate, in co-operation with the wine- and fruit growing school at Krems. The course teaches the Basic skills required in building retaining walls on slopes or embankments by means of the drystone method – from the foundation to laying the coping stones. Since the first course was held in 2009, some 150 participants have used no less than 280 tonnes of material, building 200 linear meters of drystone wall. The courses are intended to encourage participants to keep on walling, and many of them have already applied their newly acquired skills in their own field.