Streuobstwiese im Wienerwald


since 2009

Forst- und Landwirtschaftsbetrieb der Stadt Wien Arge Streuobst, Arche Noah, BOKU, Klosterbauer, HBLAuBA Klosterneuburg, Verein Regionale Gehölzvermehrung, div. niederösterreichische Baumschulen

Biosphärenpark Wienerwald

For a long time, vineyard trees such as peach, almond, cherry, apple, cornel cherry, nuts, beam-tree or true service tree were grown in traditional viticultural landscapes, in orchard meadows or even in avenues. These days you would be hard-pressed to spot any fruit-trees, not only in vineyards but also in the Wienerwald generally.

The BPWW Management GmbH provides support for vintners and farmers, and equally for communities and other owners of agricultural land in the Wienerwald BR, both in Lower Austria and in the buffer zone in Vienna, encouraging them to plant fruit trees. In cooperation with the Federal State of Lower Austria, the City of Vienna, farmers’ chambers in various districts and ‘Noah’s Ark’, fruit trees and hedgerow shrubs are offered for planting. Since 2009 the campaign has already achieved the planting of more than 3,000 standard fruit trees and 2,000 native hedgerow shrubs.

Likewise, the annual Fruit Tree Day held since 2009 is all about fruit from the region. Nurseries for native trees sell fruit trees typical of the region, and patrons receive free advice in choosing varieties, and how to plant and care for their trees. Experts help to identify cultivars of apple or pear trees which visitors bring from their gardens. The framework programme contains local delicacies, fruit juices, and Wienerwald wines typical of the region, as well as an extensive programme for children, and other entertainments. In view of the great success in 2011, the BPWW Management GmbH has been holding two Fruit Tree Days annually – one in Lower Austria, and one in Vienna.

Finance Details

LE-Fonds: EU, BMLFUW, Land NÖ, Land Wien
Niederösterreichischer Landschaftsfonds Biosphärenpark Wienerwald

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LE-Logo Wien 14-20
Logo Naturland
Logo Umweltmusterstadt Wien
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